BC: West Kelowna Thinking About Ignoring Taxpayers' Wishes

Author: Jordan Bateman 2016/06/13

West Kelowna politicians seem downright hell-bent on getting themselves a new city hall. They’re even willing to override a petition signed by thousands to do it.

For months, the council and a citizens’ group has been battling over the city’s plan for a new city hall. Council approved a project, but taxpayers rallied and signed enough petitions (4,000 of them!) to force that plan to have to go to a city-wide plebiscite for approval.

Unfortunately for the petitioners, they can only force the borrowing to go to a vote. If the city can find another way to fund it (i.e. using reserves, selling land or hiking taxes), they can ignore the petition.

It looks like West Kelowna Council might do just that. According to the Daily Courier, city staff suggest council could “Fund City Hall using a parcel tax and general taxes and $1.5 million short-term borrowing from the MFA — no referendum required.”

Ignoring this petition will guarantee one thing: a one-way ticket to electoral oblivion in 2018 for most of these councillors. The people have spoken – and they have different priorities than a new city hall. Best heed the taxpayers’ firm warnings.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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